
The InverseSolve submodule contains misfit functions, regularizers, optimization and other tools for solving PDE parameter estimation problems.

# jInv.InverseSolve.GlobalToLocalType.

type jInv.InverseSolve.GlobalToLocal

Maps global model to local model

sigLocal = PForInv*sigGlobal + sigmaBackground

Fields: PForInv::SparseMatrixCSC - linear operator between inverse mesh and forward mesh, e.g., linear interpolation matrix and projection on active set. sigmaBackground::Vector - background model

Constructors: getGlobalToLocal(P::SparseMatrixCSC) getGlobalToLocal(P::SparseMatrixCSC,sigmaBack::Vector)

Example: Mesh2Mesh = getInterpolationMatrix(Minv,Mfwd) # Minv and Mfwd have different resolutions sigmaBack = 1.2*ones(Minv.nc) # put background conductivity gloc = getGlobalToLocal(Mesh2Mesh,sigmaBack)

sigLocal     = gloc.PForInv' * sigGlobal + gloc.sigmaBack
# this call is equivalent, but needed in case the Mesh2Mesh matrix is compressed
sigLocalFast = interpGlobalToLocal(sigGlobal,gloc.PForInv,gloc.sigmaBack)


# jInv.InverseSolve.InverseParamType.

type jInv.InverseSolve.InverseParam

Type storing parameters for Inversion.

    modelfun::Function    - model function (evaluated by main worker), see models.jl
    regularizer::Function - regularizer, see regularizer.jl
    alpha::Real           - regularization parameter
    mref::Array           - reference model
    boundsLow::Vector     - lower bounds for model
    boundsHigh::Vector    - upper bounds for model
    maxStep::Real         - maximum step in optimization
    pcgMaxIter::Int       - maximum number of PCG iterations
    pcgTol::Real          - tolerance for PCG
    minUpdate::Real       - stopping criteria
    maxIter::Int          - maximum number of iterations
    HesPrec               - A preconditioner for the Hessian.

    Minv = getRegularMesh(domain,n)
    modelfun = expMod
    regularizer(m,mref,Minv) = wdiffusionReg(m,mref,Minv)
    alpha   = 1e-3
    mref    = zeros(Minv.nc)
    pInv = getInverseParam(Minv,modelfun,regularizer,alpha,mref)


# jInv.InverseSolve.MisfitParamType.

type jInv.InverseSolve.MisfitParam

Type storing information about one term in the misfit

F(m) = sum_i^n phi_i(pFor(model(m)),dobs,Wd)


pFor::ForwardProbType  - forward problem
Wd                     - inverse standard deviation
dobs                   - observed data
misfit::Function       - misfit function
modelfun::Function     - model function (evaluated locally)
gloc                   - mapping from inverse to forward mesh (including active cells projection).



getMisfitParam(pForRFs::Array{RemoteChannel}, Wd::Array, dobs::Array, misfit::Function, Iact,sigmaBack::Vector, Mesh2MeshRFs::Union{Array{RemoteChannel},Array{Float64}}=ones(length(pForRFs)), modelfun::Function=identityMod,fname="")


# jInv.InverseSolve.HuberFunFunction.

mis,dmis,d2mis = HuberFun(dc,dobs,Wd,C)

Computes misfit via

    misfit(dc,dobs) = sqrt(abs(Wd*res).^2 + eps)

    dc::Array   -  simulated data
    dobs::Array -  measured data
    Wd::Array   -  diagional weighting
    eps         -  conditioning parameter (default=1e-3)

    mis::Real   -  misfit
    dmis        -  gradient
    d2mis       -  diagonal of Hessian


# jInv.InverseSolve.SSDFunMethod.

For complex data misfit is computed as 0.5*|real(dc)-(dobs)|_Wd^2 +  0.5*|complex(dc)-complex(dobs)|_W^2


# jInv.InverseSolve.SSDFunMethod.

mis,dmis,d2mis = SSDFun(dc,dobs,Wd)


    dc::Array   -  simulated data
    dobs::Array -  measured data
    Wd::Array   -  diagonal weighting


    mis::Real   -  misfit, 0.5*|dc-dobs|_Wd^2
    dmis        -  gradient
    d2mis       -  diagonal of Hessian


# jInv.InverseSolve.boundModMethod.

sigma,dsigma = boundMod(m;boundLow=0.0,boundHigh=1.0)

maps model parameter to conductivity via

    sigma = 0.5*(boundHigh-boundLow) * (tanh(m)+1.0 ) + boundLow


# jInv.InverseSolve.computeMisfitFunction.

Dc,F,dF,d2F = computeMisfit(...)

Computes misfit for PDE parameter estimation problem.

computeMisfit has several options.


# jInv.InverseSolve.diffusionRegMethod.

Rc,dR,d2R = diffusionReg(m,mref,M,Iact=1.0)

Compute diffusion regularizer

    m     - model
    mref  - reference model
    M     - Mesh
    Iact  - projector on active cells

    Rc    - value of regularizer
    dR    - gradient w.r.t. m
    d2R   - Hessian


# jInv.InverseSolve.expModMethod.

sigma,dsigma = expMod(model)

maps model parameter to conductivity via

sigma(m) = exp(m)


# jInv.InverseSolve.fModMethod.

sigma,dsigma = fMod(model;f::Function=identity,df::Function=m->speye(length(m)))

maps model parameter to conductivity via

sigma(m) = f(m) and dsigma(m) = sdiag(df(m))


# jInv.InverseSolve.getInverseParamMethod.

function jInv.InverseSolve.getInverseParam(...)

Constructs an InverseParam

Required Input:

Minv::AbstractMesh    - mesh of model
modFun::Function      - model
regularizer::Function - regularizer, see regularizer.jl
alpha::Real           - regularization parameter
mref                  - reference model
boundsLow::Vector     - lower bounds for model
boundsHigh::Vector    - upper bounds for model

Optional Inputs:

maxStep::Real=1.0     - maximum step in optimization
pcgMaxIter::Int=10    - maximum number of PCG iterations
pcgTol::Real          - tolerance for PCG
minUpdate::Real=1e-4  - stopping criteria
maxIter::Int=10       - maximum number of iterations


# jInv.InverseSolve.getMisfitParamFunction.

function jInv.InverseSolve.getMisfitParam

Required Input:

Input for a call: getMisfitParam(pFor,Wd,dobs,misfit,model,gloc=getGlobalToLocal(1.0))

pFor::ForwardProbType  - forward problem
Wd                     - inverse standard deviation of data
dobs                   - observed data
misfit::Function       - Misfit function
modelfun::Function     - model function. If all misfits have same model function,
                         put modelfun in inverseParam and identityMod here for efficiency.
gloc                   - mapping from inverse to forward mesh (default: identity). See globalToLocal.jl

Input for a call: getMisfitParam(pForRFs::Array{RemoteChannel}, Wd::Array, dobs::Array, misfit::Function, Iact,sigmaBack::Vector, Mesh2MeshRFs::Union{Array{RemoteChannel},Array{Float64}}=ones(length(pForRFs)), modelfun::Function=identityMod,fname="")

pForRFs::Array{RemoteChannel}                   - Array of remote references for forward problem parameters on each worker.
Wd::Array                               - Array of inverse standard deviation for the data on each worker.
dobs::Array                             - Array of observed data for each worker.
misfit::Function                            - Misfit function
Iact                                        - Projector to active cells.
sigmaBack::Vector                           - Background model ("frozen" cells).
Mesh2MeshRFs::Union{Array{RemoteChannel},Array{Float64}}    - mapping from inverse to forward mesh (default: identity)
modelfun::Function=identityMod                      - model function. If all misfits have same model function,
                                      put modelfun in inverseParam and identityMod here for efficiency.
fname=""                                - (optional)


# jInv.InverseSolve.iteratedTikhonovMethod.

mc,DC = iteratedTikhonov(mc,pInv::InverseParam,pMis,nAlpha,alphaFac,

Perform (Projected) Gauss-NewtonCG using iterated Tikhonov procedure to decrease
regularization parameter and update reference model after fixed number of GN iterations
set in pInv.

       mc::Vector         - Initial guess for model
       pInv::InverseParam - parameter for inversion
       pMis               - misfit terms
       nAlpha             - maximum number of allowed regularization parameter (alpha) values
       alphaFac           - alpha decrease factor. alpha_(i+1) = alpha_i/alphaFac
       targetMisfit       - Termination criterion. iteratedTikhonov will exit 
                             -when data misfit < targetMisfit
       indCredit          - indices of forward problems to work on
       dumpResults        - A function pointer for saving the results throughout the iterations.
                             - We assume that dumpResults is dumpResults(mc,Dc,iter,pInv,pMis), 
                             - where mc is the recovered model, Dc is the predicted data. 
                             - If dumpResults is not given, nothing is done (dummy() is called).

       mc                 - final model
       Dc                 - final computed data
       tikhonovFlag       - Data misfit convergence flag
       hist               - Iteration history. This is a vector. Each entry is
                             - a structure containing the projGNCG history for each
                             - alpha value.


# jInv.InverseSolve.logBarrierFunction.

Rc,dR,d2R = logBarrier(m::Vector, z::Vector, M::AbstractMesh,low::Vector,high::Vector, epsilon)

Computes logBarrier regularizer

R = -log(1 - ((m-high)/epsilon).^2) if high-epsilon <  m < high
                0                   if low+epsilon  <= m <= high-epsilon
    -log(1 - ((m-low)/epsilon).^2)  if low          <  m < low+epsilon

    m       - model
    z       - not being used. Here for compatibility.
    M       - Mesh. not being used. Here for compatibility.
    low     - low bound for each coordinate.
    high    - high bound for each coordinate.
    epsilon - layer width of the barier.

    g    - value of regularizer
    dg    - gradient w.r.t. m
    d2g   - Hessian (diagonal matrix). Second derivative is not continous.


# jInv.InverseSolve.logBarrierSquaredFunction.

Rc,dR,d2R = logBarrierSquared(m::Vector, z::Vector, M::AbstractMesh,low::Vector,high::Vector, epsilon)

Computes logBarrier regularizer

R = (log(1 - ((m-high)/epsilon).^2))^2 if high-epsilon <  m < high
                0                      if low+epsilon  <= m <= high-epsilon
    (log(1 - ((m-low)/epsilon).^2))^2  if low          <  m < low+epsilon

    m       - model
    z       - not being used. Here for compatibility.
    M       - Mesh. not being used. Here for compatibility.
    low     - low bound for each coordinate.
    high    - high bound for each coordinate.
    epsilon - layer width of the barier.

    g    - value of regularizer
    dg    - gradient w.r.t. m
    d2g   - Gauss Newton Hessian approximation (diagonal matrix). Second derivative approx is continous.


# jInv.InverseSolve.projGNCGMethod.

mc,Dc,outerFlag = projGNCG(mc,pInv::InverseParam,pMis, indFor = [], dumpResults::Function = dummy)

(Projected) Gauss-NewtonCG


    mc::Vector          - intial guess for model
    pInv::InverseParam  - parameter for inversion
    pMis                - misfit terms
    indCredit           - indices of forward problems to work on
    dumpResults         - A function pointer for saving the results throughout the iterations.
                        - We assume that dumpResults is dumpResults(mc,Dc,iter,pInv,pMis),
                        - where mc is the recovered model, Dc is the predicted data.
                        - If dumpResults is not given, nothing is done (dummy() is called).
    out::Int            - flag for output (-1: no output, 1: final status, 2: residual norm at each iteration)

    mc                  - final model
    Dc                  - data
    outerFlag           - flag for convergence
    His                 - iteration history


# jInv.InverseSolve.projPCGMethod.

dm = projPCG(H,g,Active,Precond,cgTol,maxIter)

Projected Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient method for solving

    H*dm = g    subject to    dm[!Active] == 0 


    H::Function       -  computes action of Hessian
    g::Vector         -  right hand side
    Active            -  describes active cells
    Precond::Function - preconditioner
    cgTol             - tolerance
    maxIter             - maximum number of iterations


# jInv.InverseSolve.projSDMethod.

mc,Dc,outerFlag = projSD(mc,pInv::InverseParam,pMis, indFor = [], dumpResults::Function = dummy)

(Projected) Steepest Descent method for solving

    min_x misfit(x) + regularizer(x) subject to  x in C

where C is a convex set and a projection operator proj(x) needs to be provided.


    mc::Vector          - intial guess for model
    pInv::InverseParam  - parameter for inversion
    pMis                - misfit terms
    indCredit           - indices of forward problems to work on
    dumpResults         - A function pointer for saving the results throughout the iterations.
                        - We assume that dumpResults is dumpResults(mc,Dc,iter,pInv,pMis),
                        - where mc is the recovered model, Dc is the predicted data.
                        - If dumpResults is not given, nothing is done (dummy() is called).
    out::Int            - flag for output (-1: no output, 1: final status, 2: residual norm at each iteration)

    mc                  - final model
    Dc                  - data
    outerFlag           - flag for convergence
    His                 - iteration history


# jInv.InverseSolve.smallnessRegMethod.

Rc,dR,d2R = smallnessReg(m,mref,M,Iact=1.0)

Compute smallness regularizer (L2 difference to reference model)

    R(m) = 0.5*||m-mref||_V^2

    m     - model
    mref  - reference model
    M     - Mesh

    Rc    - value of regularizer
    dR    - gradient w.r.t. m
    d2R   - Hessian


# jInv.InverseSolve.wTVRegMethod.

Rc,dR,d2R = wTVReg(m,mref,M,Iact,C=[])

Compute weighted total variation regularizer

    m     - model
    mref  - reference model
    M     - Mesh
    Iact  - projector on active cells
    C     - anisotropy parameters (default: [1 1 1])
    eps   - conditioning parameter for TV norm (default: 1e-3)

    Rc    - value of regularizer
    dR    - gradient w.r.t. m
    d2R   - Hessian


# jInv.InverseSolve.wdiffusionRegNodalMethod.

Rc,dR,d2R = wdiffusionRegNodal(m::Vector, mref::Vector, M::AbstractMesh; Iact=1.0, C=[])

Computes weighted diffusion regularizer for nodal model

    m     - model
    mref  - reference model
    M     - Mesh
    Iact  - projector on active cells
    C     - optional parameters

    Rc    - value of regularizer
    dR    - gradient w.r.t. m
    d2R   - Hessian


# jInv.InverseSolve.projGradMethod.

function projGrad

Projects gradient, i.e.,

                 | gc[i],               xl[i] < x[i] < xh[i]
gc[i]  = | max(gc[i],0)     xc[i] == xh[i]
                 | min(gc[i],0)   xc[i] == xl[i]


    gc                - gradient vector
    mc                - model
    boundsLow   - lower bounds
    boundsHigh  - upper bounds
