jInv - A Flexible Flexible Julia Package for PDE Parameter Estimation

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jInv is a flexible framework for solving PDE parameter estimation problems using Julia. Problems of this sort arise in various applications such as geophysical or medical imaging. They are typically ill-posed and computationally challenging and developing robust and fast inversion algorithms is an active field of research. jInv aims at advancing this field by providing efficient and easy-to-extend core functions commonly used for solving real-world problems.

Package Structure

The source code of jInv is divided into five submodules:

  1. Mesh - regular and tensor meshes in 2D and 3D as well as differential operators.
  2. LinearSolvers - interfaces to sparse and (if installed) direct linear solvers that can be used for solving the discretized PDEs.
  3. InverseSolve - methods commonly used in inverse problems such as misfit functions, regularization and numerical optimization.
  4. ForwardShare - methods for solving forward problems in parallel.
  5. Vis - visualization and plotting (requires PyPlot.jl)
  6. Utils - utility functions

Basic Installation

To install jInv start a Julia session and type in the REPL (we currently support Julia versions 0.5.x):

INFO: Cloning jInv from https://github.com/JuliaInv/jInv.jl
julia> Pkg.clone("https://github.com/JuliaInv/jInv.jl","jInv")
ERROR: jInv already exists

julia> Pkg.build("jInv")

The above commands clone the latest version of jInv and install the dependency KrylovMethods.jl, which provides iterative methods for solving (sparse) linear systems. Finally, some unit tests are run.

Optional Packages for High-Performance

For better performance when solving parameter estimation problems with linear PDE constraints, jInv automatically looks for high-end linear algebra packages. Currently, the following packages are supported:

  1. MUMPS.jl - wrapper for MUMPS. Used as a direct PDE solver
  2. ParSpMatVec.jl - shared memory implementation for sparse matrix vector products
  3. PARDISO.jl - wrapper for PARDISO solver