About jInv

This page collects contributors, funding, and outcomes of the jInv project. Please create a pull-request if you actively contribute to jInv or show your support when using jInv in your research.

Contributors (in alphabetical order)

  1. Patrick Belliveau (University of British Columbia)
  2. Eldad Haber (University of British Columbia)
  3. Lars Ruthotto (Emory University)
  4. Eran Treister (Ben Gurion University)
  5. Samy Wu Fung (Emory University)


This material is in part based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number 1522599. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Publications using jInv

  1. Ruthotto L, Treister E, Haber E: jInv - a flexible Julia package for PDE parameter estimation, arXiv:1606.0739 [cs.MS] 2016
  2. Treister, E, Haber, E: Full waveform inversion guided by travel time tomography, arXiv:1607.00968 [cs.CE] 2016